The Case Against Regina Hill: A 3-Part Series Breaking Down the Civil Hearing
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) held a press conference in late March alleging Orlando Commissioner Regina Hill stole more than $100,000 from a vulnerable 96-year-old woman in a mortgage fraud scheme. Hill was arrested, indicted and suspended from office as a result of FDLE’s allegations.
FDLE’s Allegations Against Hill
FDLE Assistant Commissioner Lee Massie said, “Mrs. Hill effectively betrayed the trust of her community by taking advantage of a 96-year-old elderly citizen which is one of the most vulnerable in that community.” According to Massie, the victim had no family in the area.
Massie said FDLE agents spent countless hours and investigative techniques to come to the conclusion as to why Hill was arrested.
FDLE Special Agent in Charge John Vecchio, said Hill took advantage of one of her constituents for her own benefit.
“This investigation began in February of 2023 when the Florida Attorney General’s office contacted FDLE about a complaint against Hill,” Vecchio said. “The complaint alleged Hill was taking advantage of an elderly resident who lived alone in a home that was in disrepair.” FDLE alleges Hill used her power and influence over the alleged victim to act under power of attorney for the alleged victim. Vecchio also said Hill used the alleged victim’s name to fraudulently purchase a home, rental cars, hotel stays, expensive bottles of perfume from high-end retailers, clothing and to pay her own personal bills. The allegations extend to Hill residing with the alleged victim and using the victim’s finances to renovate her residence. FDLE also said some of the victim’s money Hill spent went to purchasing a second home. According to FDLE, the agency used several years of financial documentation and interviewed several witnesses which led them to come to the conclusion Hill should be arrested.
Concerns About FDLE’s Investigation
The civil trial begs questions about the legality of FDLE’s actions and how the agency came to the conclusion about the allegations against the suspended commissioner.
On a video that was not seen in the civil hearing, FDLE Special Agent Steve Brenton shows up at the alleged victim’s home while she is watching a Christian television program. While he is standing at the front door, he calls her name and asks if she remembers him. The alleged victim says, “Kinda.” She walks toward the door and recognizes Brenton who is wearing a polo shirt and a law enforcement badge. She says, “Oh, you’re the police.” Brenton then lets himself into her home and asks if she is alone. After she answers that no one is in the house with her, the 96-year-old asks Brenton if he knows of the program she’s watching. He ignores her and walks into a room in the house. While he let himself into one of the rooms in her home, the alleged victim asks, “Is everything ok?” Brenton answers, “Yep,” then begins to disconnect the cameras.
Click on YouTube video below to see Dimanche’s commentary and FDLE Special Agent Brenton entering the alleged victim’s home and disconnecting her cameras.
In April, Hill was granted a civil hearing. The trial resulted in a permanent injunction against Hill. But, during the hearing some in the community began to question the legality and integrity of FDLE’s investigation. According to local commentator, Moe Dimanche, Hill is being wrongly accused. Dimanche wants to better inform the public about FDLE’s investigation. During the hearing, Special Agent Steve Brenton admitted he disconnected the alleged victim’s cameras in her home. Dimanche says there was no legal justification for Brenton letting himself into the alleged victim’s home or disconnecting her cameras.
In the civil hearing, Brenton was called to the stand to testify. Dimanche says, “He gets on the stand and he says, you know, to Regina’s attorney ‘Oh I was asked to do that by the power of attorney, right.’ He came prepared for that because he knew that he had been busted.” According to Dimanche, who is not an attorney but says he has spent years studying the law, said power of attorney does not grant authority to tell anyone to enter the home of someone else even within the parameters of what powers they have.
A television show, “Dirty Rotten Cleaners,” confirmed FDLE’s statement that the victim’s home was in disrepair. However, Hill and professional home cleaners are seen cleaning the alleged victim’s home. At the time Brenton entered the alleged victim’s home the house did not appear to be in disrepair.
Dimanche says no one he knows of has seen the alleged victim since she has been removed from her home. Dimanche is worried she may have been put into a nursing home. But he says she was comfortably living in her home during the time Hill was acting under power of attorney. Hill, Dimanche said, helped her (alleged victim) be as healthy and independent as possible.
Dimanche continued, “This is an injustice and a travesty against Regina.”
Dimanche is not alone in his thinking. Social media users who have seen the video of Agent Brenton entering the home of the alleged victim are showing their support of Hill.
Click on YouTube video below to see segments of Agent Brenton’s testimony and more of Dimanche’s commentary.
Special Agent Steve Brenton’s Testimony In The Civil Suit Against Hill
Brenton testified in court that he asked the 96-year-old alleged victim if he could disconnect the cameras in her home. On the contrary, on the video Agent Brenton does not ask to disconnect the cameras. Brenton said he was told by the new power of attorney to disconnect the cameras. He testified the reasoning behind that was because Hill was surveilling the alleged victim’s home.
Brenton said at the start of the investigation, he found there had been a call to Orlando Police regarding a welfare check on the alleged victim. Brenton said, “I did research on that and found that it was called-in from Ms. Alexander.” Alexander became power of attorney of the alleged victim after FDLE contacted her.
Brenton also admitted to the court he did not have a warrant to enter the alleged victim’s home nor was the alleged victim expecting him.
Brenton testified he had investigated charges on both Hill and the alleged victim’s bank accounts and saw charges he believes could not have been related to the alleged victim. He concluded some of those charges like car insurance, hotel and resort stays, IV infusion treatments and a $2,580 visit to MedSpa are Hill’s. There was a charge for $10,000 that Brenton said was paid to a person who may have done drywall work and repair work. Brenton said he interviewed the person who said he received the $10,000 payment. According to Brenton, that person is incarcerated in Florida State Prison.
In regard to the face-lift FDLE alleges Hill paid for with the alleged victim’s money, Brenton said, there was a photograph in the records he received from MedSpa. According to Brenton, MedSpa is a company that performs face-lift services. Brenton said the records he obtained showed a “before” picture. It is not clear if gaining access to Hill’s records are in violation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) since it is considered a cosmetic surgery.
In regard to the expenditures FDLE claims Hill made, Brenton said he had confirmed certain small deposits were made into the alleged victim’s account. Brenton testified he had not seen substantial evidence of large deposits going into the alleged victim’s bank account following the withdrawals of the expenses the agency says were fraudulently made by Hill. When cross-examined, Hill’s attorney presented evidence of a deposit that Brenton did not record.
During cross-examination, Brenton was asked if he was aware Hill had someone caring for the alleged victim around the clock. Brenton said, “At a time, yes; but not during the entire time,” he said. Brenton testified he had gone to the alleged victim’s home twice but had driven by her house many times.
What Happens Next
On May 21st, there will be a special election for Hill’s seat on the City Commission. Even though FDLE said the case is still ongoing, Hill faces a criminal trial. If she is found guilty she stands to spend the rest of her life in prison.
This is part one of a three part series.