National Politics

Vice President Harris Fires Up 10,000 Supporters in Atlanta

In front of a crowd of more than 10,000 fired up supporters in Atlanta – the campaign’s largest rally to date – Vice President Harris laid out her plan to lower costs for the middle class, took Donald Trump to task for killing the toughest deal to secure the border in decades, and called Trump out for refusing to commit to debate her.

Kamala Harris takes the stage before thousands at rally in Atlanta – July 30, 2024


The Vice President opened her remarks showing exactly why she’s the right person to take on Trump: As a prosecutor, state attorney general, U.S. Senator, and now Vice President, she’s taken on criminals of all kinds on behalf of the American people.

She called Trump out for proving he cares more about himself than fixing our broken immigration system when he killed the toughest deal to secure the border in decades – just to help himself politically.

She outlined her vision for the future, defined by building up the middle class. On day one, she will take on price gouging and bring down costs, ban hidden fees, take on corporate landlords to cap unfair rent increases, and take on Big Pharma to lower prescription drug prices for all Americans. It’s a stark contrast with Trump’s Project 2025 agenda, which would raise prices, weaken the middle class, and give tax handouts to billionaires while cutting Social Security and Medicare. 

And she took on Trump for hiding behind his “plain weird” and desperate attacks and refusing to honor his commitment to debate – challenging him to “say it to my face.” 

She closed by emphasizing the work ahead for the next 98 days – and when we work, we win.

Donald Trump Cannot Hide from Project 2025

Yesterday, Donald Trump once again tried to distance himself from his deeply unpopular, extreme Project 2025 agenda – and once again, it won’t work.

Project 2025 will be front and center on the ballot in November because Donald Trump is on the ballot. This is his agenda, written by his close allies, for him to inflict on our country.

Here’s a brief overview of Trump’s Project 2025 agenda:

    • Guts checks and balances to give Trump virtually unlimited power to be a dictator on “day one.”
    • Bans abortion nationwide, jeopardizes access to contraception, and creates a surveillance state to track women and their doctors.
    • Uses the government to enact revenge on Trump’s enemies and turns the civil service into a Trump loyalty force.
    • Cuts Social Security and Medicare and ends health care protections for people with preexisting conditions.
    • Defunds government agencies like the Department of Education.
    • Allows employers to stop paying many workers overtime, while giving handouts to billionaires and big corporations.

Trump’s running mate JD Vance has said Project 2025 includes “good ideas,” and as a vice president would make it his mission to implement it. 

A Trump-Vance administration would be even more harmful than Trump’s first term because they will purge the government of those who are not loyal to him and fill it with those who indulge Trump’s every wish.

Trump’s conservative Supreme Court majority has already given him a blank check to do virtually whatever he wants. If he wins, there is no question Trump will use it to push his Project 2025 agenda.

Rhetta Peoples

Digital Editor at The Florida Sun + CEO of Creative Street Marketing & Public Relations Group

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