
Rev. Spooney Sounds Off About Donnie Swaggart’s Remarks

By Rev. Dr. Robert M. Spooney

Donnie Swaggart’s recent remarks concerning the Black church reeks of idolatry and cultism. During a sermon to his congregation Swaggart said the following and I quote, “When the largest African-American Pentecostal denomination, when the leader stands up and says I endorse that woman, he was saying I endorse murder, I endorse homosexuality, I endorse lesbianism, I endorse transgenderism, I endorse every evil that hell would prosper or bring up to be right. That’s wrong folks! He then went on to say, “The Black church votes predominantly for the party that is anti-God.” Swaggart continued, “What’s going on here? What’s going on?”

Well I’ll tell you what’s going on! What’s going on is that we as Black Christians realize that Jesus and the Gospel of Jesus Christ stands on the side of the oppressed, the marginalized and those who are disenfranchised. What’s going on is that we realize that the Bible is clear when Jesus says in John 8:44, “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.” In that verse Jesus called the religious leaders children of the devil because they were imitating the devil’s behavior, which included murder, resistance to the truth, and lies. What’s Going on is that we realize, as Christians, that it is not Christ-like to follow a man who told over 30 thousand lies during his time as president and during this election campaign has made lying and sowing distrust a key feature of his campaign. We realize that the lies of the devil keep people in bondage, and his deception prevents them from hearing, understanding, and loving Jesus. We realize that anyone who follows someone or is focused on a particular personality because of their extreme religious, philosophical or spiritual beliefs is an idol worshipper and cult follower. We now realize that you fall in that category.

We realize, Mr. Swaggart, that any Christian who believes that American identity and significance is a central actor in the world-historical purposes of the Christian God is a person who has fallen prey to false doctrine. Rather than rebuking the Black Church, I submit you should be rebuking Donald Trump and what he represents. You should rebuke Project 2025 and Agenda 47 because both are against everything what we as Christians stand for. You should rebuke yourself for having the audacity to only want to recognize our culture when we emulate your ideology. We didn’t send for you, stay out of our business!

Robert M. Spooney is the Pastor of Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church, the founder and CEO of R.M. Spooney and Associates.. He is an authority on church and business marketing and church outreach. Pastor Spooney is available to come and minister at any church function that you would prayerfully consider him. You can reach Dr. Spooney via email at or On line donations to this ministry can be made directly to Robert Spooney via Zelle or C/O Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Institutional Church through the Givelify App.

Rhetta Peoples

Digital Editor at The Florida Sun + CEO of Creative Street Marketing & Public Relations Group

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