U.S.: Rep. Val Demings (FL-10) released the following statement after Republicans in the Senate blocked the formation of a bipartisan independent commission to investigate the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol:
“The so-called ‘law and order’ GOP senators blocked investigation of a violent crime. They blocked an independent, bipartisan commission, with equal representation. Its only mission: to find out what went wrong on 1/6, who participated, and how we can protect our democracy.
“They blocked accountability for the attack’s funders and inciters. They turned their backs on the 140 officers who were beaten and bloodied. They shut the door in the faces of the families of the officers who died, who had begged them to support accountability.
‘Law and order’ indeed.
“What are they so afraid of? Why are they willing to lie and violate their oaths to cover up this crime? Regardless of political party, we all should want to know the truth and demand nothing less. Why don’t they? The possible answers are troubling.
“Democrats will be relentless in our efforts to find the truth, and we should strongly consider creating a select committee or further empowering existing ones.”
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