
The Real Threat To Our Country: An Authoritarian Shift

By Rev. Dr. Robert M. Spooney

Most people don’t realize it but everything we do in life requires a process. The word process when used as a noun is actually defined as a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end. For example, to become a naturalized United States citizen you must first file form N-400 then you need to attend a biometrics appointment and finally you must complete an interview. In the Christian faith the three step process for salvation is repentance or turning away from sin, belief in Jesus Christ as your Savior and confession of your new found faith. Another way of saying that is that there must be some convincing, some conviction and finally there must be conversion. In other words it’s a process.

Based on what I have been observing since the rise of certain people in the Republican Party, the United States led by the Republican Party is following a process to turn into an authoritarian state. An authoritarian state in simple terms. Again I am not a politician I’m just a preacher; but I remember being taught in ninth grade Civics that an authoritarian government is a government that is run with the power consolidated behind a single person. In addition, the increasing level of power to that person eventually excludes any constraints which could be permitted by other entities within that government.

My observations have identified a three step process we are undergoing as a nation which will move us from a Democratic Society to an Authoritarian Society.  The first part of the process is justification. Initially Trump was not liked by most Republicans, however once they saw that he could pull votes, their desire or lust for power caused them to come up with justifications to support him. Once he was elected and began to perpetrate acts indicating authoritarian traits they became afraid of him. The Republican Congress succumbed to position of power that he put them in. They became fearful megalomaniacs who wanted to stay in his good graces so they yielded to everything he brought to the table. This point was really apparent when he tried to overthrow the government and they continued to support him. Finally, the last step in the process is to promote severe polarization by using untrue rhetoric which exploits the real grievances of voters and causes unwarranted suspicions within the society.

Rev. Dr. Robert M. Spooney


So now we’re at the point where Republican leadership continually alludes to something called the deep state. The deep state has now become a term for the bureaucracy that stands in the way of the newly elected president having the opportunity to pretty much do whatever he wants to do. In other words we have elected a president whose main aim will be to get rid of anyone who is in the government whose job is to serve the United States of America rather than serve him. And since many voters in the Republican Party really agree with that point I see it as an absolute recipe for absolute authoritarianism.

The question is what should we do? What is our three step process? Well, our first step in this three step process to halt this move to an authoritarian state is to NOT withdraw from politics because that’s not effective. We have seen exactly what will happen if we withdraw and give up. In Venezuela the country boycotted a legislative election and basically gave control of the Venezuelan Congress to the party of Chavez who made all types of changes in the Supreme Court and electoral Council and now they’re going to have to deal with that for decades. Our second step in this three step process to halt this move to an authoritarian state should be to refuse to participate in demonizing politics and insist on voting massively against anyone who uses those types of methods. It is my contention that it is the duty and responsibility of every citizen to vote and to vote for leaders who promote Godly rather than nationalistic principles. God is most certainly in control, but that does not mean we should do nothing to further His will. We are commanded to pray for our leaders in terms of politics and leadership. Hosea 8:4 reads, “They set up kings, but not by Me; They made princes, but I did not acknowledge them. From their silver and gold, they made idols for themselves that they might be cut off.” This verse shows conclusively that there were times when God was displeased with our choices of leadership. I submit that this is one of those times because the evidence of sin’s grip on this country is everywhere.

The third and final step in this three step process to halt this move to an authoritarian state should be to support and encourage organizations similar to Governors Saving Democracy to file lawsuits to ensure the rule of law serves all the people.  Lawsuits filed by states stalled some of President-elect Trump’s agenda during his first term. The same can happen during his second term. Don’t be lulled to sleep, you may wake up in a Dictatorship!

Rhetta Peoples

Digital Editor at The Florida Sun + CEO of Creative Street Marketing & Public Relations Group

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