In a Media Advisory, FDLE announced the arrest of Orlando Commissioner Regina Hill following the Department’s investigation into elderly exploitation and fraud.
For Immediate Release
March 28, 2024
Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) Special Agent in Charge John Vecchio will host a press conference at 2 p.m. today to discuss the arrest of Orlando Commissioner, Regina Hill, following an elderly exploitation and fraud investigation.
Commissioner Hill is accused of stealing $100,000 from a vulnerable 96-year-old woman.
Allegedly Hill used the funds for a home, home improvements, vacations, a facelift, dental surgery and IV vitamin treatments.
Hill has been under investigation for more than a year. Hill has been charged with three counts of exploitation of elderly, mortgage fraud, scheme to defraud and two counts of fraud impersonation.
Hill is being held at Orange County Jail on $40,000 bond.