On Tuesday evening, Former State Representative Travaris McCurdy hosted his Official Campaign Kickoff for City of Orlando Commissioner of District 5.
Community leaders and residents of the District were in attendance.
Senior Pastor Terence Gray led the program with a powerful prayer emphasizing the importance of the leadership needed to take on the role of Commissioner.
McCurdy said, “As an experienced policymaker, I’m ready to represent this district on Day 1. This is a critical time for our District, and we need to ensure we have leadership at the helm addressing the needs – like affordable housing and homeless are prioritized while ensuring the big investments in District 5 bring jobs and opportunities to all residents. Let’s get the job done!”
In addition, the educator and granddaughter of the first elected African American Commissioner Nap Ford, Nat Ford, gave closing remarks stressing the importance of supporting McCurdy through fundraising and volunteer efforts. Her relationship with McCurdy goes back to his childhood, and she highlighted that McCurdy will continue the path her Grandfather set for D5.