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Big Frame Hunter: Wildlife Photographer Dedicates Hours To Capturing Precious Moments In Time

A lizard hunting. (@ajarsetiadi/Zenger News)

It may only be a moment in time, but it takes hours of patience for Indonesian photographer Ajar Setiadi to capture fascinating and unusual images of wildlife.

Setiadi, who has been a photographer since 2013, spends hours every day waiting for the opportunity to snap rare and exotic animals at exactly the right moment.

A frog covered by two snails. (@ajarsetiadi/Zenger News)

“From 7 a.m. until 10 p.m. is the best for natural light,” he said. “Animals usually feed in the morning, so it is a perfect time to take photos.”

Setiadi, who uses several Nikon cameras with Nikkor lenses, said his favorite subjects are vipers and sharks, but he also enjoys macro-photography, landscapes, human interest, cityscapes and model photography.

A blue viper. (@ajarsetiadi/Zenger News)

“Indonesia is the best place to take photos. I have been to Cape Point in South Africa and Costa Rica to take pictures, too,” said Setiadi.

He often waits for his subject, whether an owl or a chameleon, to feast upon its prey to get the best dramatic images.

One eye-catching photo shows a bird of prey with its beak pinching a snake’s face as its talons pin it to the ground.

Setiadi shares his images of insects, birds of prey, wild cats and birds on his Instagram page, which has 13,500 followers.

(Edited by Fern Siegel and Judith Isacoff)

The post Big Frame Hunter: Wildlife Photographer Dedicates Hours To Capturing Precious Moments In Time appeared first on Zenger News.

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